About the Coach


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A divorcee, widow, breast cancer survivor, and mother, I’ve learned to reframe life-changing events to bring joy back into my life. I’d like to help you make sustainable, positive shifts in your own life.

Through coaching and mediation preparation, I support your awareness of the strengths and knowledge within you, and the results you seek. 

Defining Moments

“Are we dreaming truths and living dreams?” 

I was thirteen when I wrote the words that ring true today. Divorce, remarriage, cancer, and sudden widowhood led to personal, high-intensity spiritual enlightenment and a desire to help others recognize the power that lies within. 

“You’ve had remarkable, exceptional, extraordinary results. You have no active cancer, and your tumor has completely dissolved.”

My US oncologist said these words 131 days after he diagnosed me with Stage 2B, HER2+ breast cancer. Cancer was my call to change. I could not continue the food, thoughts, and habits that brought me to that place. 

Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer: Deeper Healing Solutions | Dr Clint Rogers | TEDxWilmington

TEDx Talks (Published on Oct 4, 2017)

NOTE FROM TED: This talk, which was filmed at a TEDx event, contains several assertions about Ayurveda and ancient healing that are not supported by the scientific community. While some viewers might find advice provided in this talk to be helpful as a complementary approach, please do not look to this talk for medical advice.
